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Public Service Announcement

Efforts to Eradicate Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Continue

(Tuesday, May 22/2001)-- The public is advised that cutting and tree removal operations to rid Point Pleasant Park of the Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle infestation are scheduled to resume tomorrow.

This is the second year of the eradication strategy, being carried out under the auspices of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Canadian Forestry Service, the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and the Halifax Regional Municipality.

Spring inspections have turned up another forty-four (44) Red Spruce trees infested with the European pest. These trees will be taken down and incinerated off-site.

In addition, crews will be clearing up the more than 800 Red Spruce trees that were blown down, or knocked down, in the Park during the recent winter wind storm. Portions of these trees will be used as bait traps to attract the Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle.

Park users are advised that only certain roads and paths affected by the clearing operations will be blocked off to the public. Because of the extent of the cut last year, whole sections of the Park had to be closed.


John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

John Simmons
HRM Urban Forester
(902) 490-6186

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.