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News Release

Mayor Kelly Says Harbour Project Selection Process "On Track"

(Friday, June 15/2001)-- Mayor Peter Kelly announced today Halifax Regional Municipality has received confirmation that both proponents vying for the proposed $315 million Harbour Solutions Project have agreed to an amended evaluation process.

Mayor Kelly said "Halifax Regional Council had to take re-control of the process following a briefing on June 6th, to rid the project of the "legal quagmire" in which it had become entangled."

The two consortia bidding on the project, the Halifax Waterworks Group and the Halifax Regional Environmental Partnership, responded to a recent invitation from Halifax Regional Council to participate in a revised process, which will enable HRM to proceed without delay to evaluate both submissions (including supplementary materials) on their technical and financial merit.

Mayor Kelly said "acceptance of the change by the two proponents will keep the Harbour Solutions Project evaluation process "on track" and allow Regional Council to meet its original deadline of August 2001 to have a negotiated contract to design, build and operate the sewage treatment system with the successful bidder."

The Mayor stressed "Regional Council recognizes the overwhelming public support for the Harbour Solutions Project and it is committed to finding the most technological and cost-effective solution for the clean-up of Halifax Harbour, which must be in the best interest of our taxpayers."

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Mayor Peter Kelly
902) 490-4010

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.