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Construction to Start on New Municipal Parking Garage

(Monday, June 18/2001) -- Mayor Peter Kelly and Bill Hardman, Chairman of the Hardman Group Limited, will take to the controls of a gigantic rock crushing machine on Wednesday (June 20) to mark the official start of construction on the downtown municipal parking garage project.

The ceremony will take place at the downtown site on Granville Street, at the foot of Blower Street, beginning at 11 a.m.

The $10.3 million structure, which will provide 570 parking stalls on seven levels, will be owned by the municipality, but operated by the Hardman Group through a 25-year management agreement.

Members of Halifax Regional Council and HRM Senior Management will be among the guests attending the ceremony. Refreshments will be served following the event.

Hard hats will be provided to members of the media on-site.


John O'Brien
HRM Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Colin Whitcomb
Executive Vice-President, The Hardman Group
(902) 429-3743

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.