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HRM to Seek Natural Gas Franchise

(Tuesday, July 17, 2001)-- Halifax Regional Municipality intends to file notice this week with the Nova Scotia Utilities and Review Board (URB) that it intends to apply for a natural gas distribution franchise, Mayor Peter Kelly announced today.

Mayor Kelly said Regional Council agreed in principle this afternoon to file the Notice of Intent by this Friday's deadline (July 20th) to " keep our options open as far as natural gas distribution within the municipality is concerned, and to consider possible relationships that HRM may establish with other potential distributors."

Regional Council is expected to ratify that decision at its regular meeting this evening.

The Mayor said HRM's effort is contingent on the decision of the URB on an application by Sempra Gas to amend its natural gas distribution plan for all of Nova Scotia.

Mayor Kelly said Council's Sable Gas Committee is expected to meet soon to explore the implications of HRM partnering with other potential distributors.

He said " We asked ourselves 'If we don't get involved at this point, the answer to when our residents will have access to natural gas will remain an uncertainty.' By making public our intentions, we hope to partner with other potential distributors to ensure that the residents of HRM get access to natural gas as soon as possible."

The Mayor emphasized that it is not Regional Council's intention to have HRM become a stand-alone natural gas distributor.

He said the municipality now provides a number of services that potential gas distributors would require e.g. billing distribution, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) infrastructure, a corporate call centre, street and road right-of-way approvals, etc.

"Council is committed to protecting the interests of our residents as far as the distribution of natural gas is concerned. We believe that we have a real opportunity now to put forward our concerns and emphasize the need to provide our residents with natural gas as an energy alternative, " the Mayor said.


Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.