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Local Youth Help With Design of New Skateboard Park

(Friday, August 10/2001)-- A unique collaboration between local youth in the Cole Harbour area, Halifax Regional Council and HRM staff has resulted in a new "user friendly" skateboard park for the community.

District 4 (Cole Harbour North/Cherry Brook) Councillor Ron Cooper said today that opening celebrations for the new $90,000 skateboard park in Cole Harbour will be held next week.

The project was funded by HRM, Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation and District Fund contributions by four Regional Councillors for the area. They include Councillor Cooper; Coucillor Harry McInroy (District 5- Eastern Passage/Cole Harbour South); Councllor Condo Sarto (District 7-Woodlawn); and Councillor Bruce Hetherington (District 8-Woodside.)

Councillor Cooper said he and his colleagues on Regional Council and municipal Recreation Services staff are pleased with the process.

The Councillor said "We were able to work together with young people in the local community and provide them with the kind of facility they wanted.... the kind that they would use and take ownership of because it meets their needs."

He added "Through a facilitation process, the area youth decided the elements they felt should be included in the new park and worked with park land planners and other Recreation Services staff on its design. Some even participated in site visits. "

The opening celebrations next Wednesday will include a barbeque and a performance by "Divinity Tribe." A Skateboard Competition for area youth(Sponsored by Hurricanes) will be the finale.

For additional information please call Mickie McDow, Recreation Programmer, at 490-4276

When: Wednesday, August 15, 2001
Time: 6:30 PM
Where: Forrest Hills Commons

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Councillor Ron Cooper
(902) 488-4804

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.