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News Release

Water Service to be Extended to Maplewood on the Lake

(Friday, August 17/2001)-- The announcement today of a new $450,000 water service project for the Maplewood on the Lakes subdivision in Hammonds Plains is a significant milestone in addressing the long-standing problem of quality, quantity and cost of water for those living along MicMac Drive, Council Reg Rankin said today.

The project, announced under the Canada/Nova Scotia Infrastructure Program, will provide 40 households in the suburban subdivision with access to clean, safe municipal water services. The federal, provincial and HRM/abutting property owners will contribute one-third each towards total project cost.

The District 22 (Hammonds Plains/Timberlea) Councillor said the recent extension of the Pockwock Water supply to residents of Upper Hammonds Plains, coupled with tri-level government funding, made the new Maplewood water project "a very attractive arrangement" for HRM and area residents.

"The residents of Maplewood on the Lake are currently relying on wells for their drinking water. Thanks to this new Project, these residents will have access to a consistent water supply, assuring a safer and higher quality of water, " he said.

Councillor Rankin extended his thanks to Halifax West MP Geoff Regan, the Province of Nova Scotia, HRM staff and the residents of Maplewood on the Lake subdivision for their tremendous support in obtaining tri-level funding for this project.

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Councillor Reg Rankin
(902) 499-3744

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.