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Harbour Solutions Decision Possible by Late September

(Tuesday, August 21/2001)-- The Harbour Solutions Project Committee expects to make its recommendation to Halifax Regional Council regarding the successful bidder to design, build and operate the estimated $315 million project by mid-September.

Maurice Lloyd, Project Manager, said the Committee had previously hoped to be in a position to make the recommendation to Council this week, but more time was required in the Evaluation Process to obtain additional information from the proponents regarding their proposals.

Mr. Lloyd said the evaluation process for the two proposals (Halifax Regional Environmental Partnership and the Halifax Waterworks Group) and the reference bid (by HRM) is proceeding well. Review of the Technical Proposals and the Financial Proposals have been proceeding independently of each other.

He said the recommendations from the review teams will be consolidated into a single report and be presented to the Proposal Selection Committee during the week of the September 10-14th. From there, the report will be forwarded to Halifax Regional Council for approval during the week of September 17-21.

Mr. Lloyd said it is hoped that the necessary Development Agreements with the successful bidder will be signed by the end of September/early October.

The Proposal Selection Committee will be chaired by Chief Administrative Officer Ken Meech. Other members of the Committee include:

Deputy CAOs George McLellan and Dan English
Ivan Duvar*, retired business executive
Dr. Robert Fournier*, Dalhousie University
Kevin McNamara, Deputy Minister of the Nova Scotia Department of the Environment Rosalie Grette-Lydon*, of Halifax

*Mr. Duvar was selected by the Metropolitan Halifax Chamber of Commerce; Dr.Fournier and Ms. Grette-Lydon were recommended by the Halifax Harbour Solutions Project Regional Council Advisory Committee.


Maurice Lloyd, P.Eng.
Project Manager, Harbour Solutions Project
(902) 490-4549

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.