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News Release

Councillors Received No Remuneration

(Tuesday, August 28/2001)-- Contrary to a recent media report, Councillors Harry McInroy and Ron Cooper do not personally receive remuneration for serving as members of the Board of Management of the Halifax County Regional Rehabilitation Centre.

It was stated that the two Councillors received $2,100 a year for serving on the Board. In fact, since amalgamation no member of Halifax Regional Council is permitted to receive any remuneration personally for serving on a board, agency or commission. Any such honoraria or stipend is paid directly to HRM and deposited in the General Revenue account.


Councillor Ron Cooper
(902) 488-4804

Councillor Harry McInroy
(902) 221-4805

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.