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News Release

Spryfield Legion Organizing Prayer Service

(Monday, September 17/2001)-- District 18 Councillor Stephen Adams announced this morning that his community is responding to current world crisis by organizing an inter-faith prayer meeting tomorrow evening.

The Spryfield-Herring Cove representative said Spryfield Branch #152 of the Royal Canadian Legion will hold the service, which will be open to the public, at its facility at 7 Sussex Street on Tuesday evening, beginning at 7 p.m.

Councillor Adams said that he is both leased and proud that the members of the Spryfield Legion " are taking the lead in the community of Spryfield. Hopefully, their actions will serve as an example to others throughout H-R-M."


Councillor Stephen Adams
(902) 497-8818

Terry Bobbitt
Spryfield Legion
(902) 477-0467

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.