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Public Service Announcement

Pink Ribbon Day for Breast Cancer Awareness

(Tuesday, October 30, 2001)- Wednesday, October 31st has been declared Pink Ribbon Day in Halifax Regional Municipality to promote Breast Cancer Awareness .

Breast Cancer is currently the leading cause of all cancer deaths among women between the ages of 30 and 49. Almost half of all breast cancer deaths occur in women age 40-69. In Atlantic Canada this year, 1620 women will be newly diagnosed with breast cancer and 460 women will die from it. An estimated two in every nineteen Canadian women can expect to develop breast cancer during their lifetime and one in twenty- six will die from this disease. The most significant risk factors are being a woman, increasing age, and with a family history of two or more first degree relatives who developed breast cancer before the age of 50.

Since 1986, mortality rates for breast cancer have been declining both in Canada and the United States. This may be attributable to increased awareness of breast health, screening, early diagnosis and/or improvements in treatments.

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - Atlantic Chapter (CBCF) is a non-profit charitable organization committed to the support and advancement of breast cancer research, education, diagnosis and treatment. On October 31st the CBCF will host Pink Ribbon Day featuring a morning education and awareness program and a noon hour fundraising luncheon.

For more information on Pink Ribbon Day please call the CBCF at 422-5520 or visit their website at

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Peg MacInnis
Halifax Pink Ribbon Committee

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.