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Mosher Says "No Right Turn Policy" Only a Trial

(Wednesday, October 31/2001)-- District 17 Councillor Linda Mosher said today she can appreciate motorists' frustration with new traffic calming measures that prevent right turns off Quinpool Road onto side streets, from Armview Avenue to Connaught Avenue, but urged the public to remember these measures are only temporary.

Councillor Mosher (Purcell's Cove-Armdale) said she personally voted against the trial measures, but now has to obey the signs like everyone else, even though she is receiving numerous call from constituents upset over traffic delays on Quinpool Road.

"I support traffic calming to reduce speeds and traffic volume...but I do not support measures that call for closing or partially closing streets and roads, " she said.

Councillor Mosher said the new "no right turn" measures are causing huge traffic tie-ups on Quinpool Road, from Connaught Avenue back to the Armdale Rotary and beyond. Today, traffic was backed-up on the Herring Cove Road from the Rotary to Cowie Hill.

"People are telling me the no-right turns off Quinpool are adding from between 15 minutes to 45 minutes to their morning drive time. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about what has been already decided, but I can assure motorists that these measures are only temporary. When the six month trial is over, I will be calling for broad community input about how to better improve traffic flow on Quinpool Road and its feeder routes, " she said.

Councillor Mosher suggested one solution might be to designate Quinpool Road to be three-lanes in-bound, between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., on weekdays; and three-lanes out-bound, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays.

The Councillor said HRM traffic engineering has proposed a number of changes to improve traffic flow on Quinpool Road over the next year or so-- but her main concern now is the today's congestion and motorists' frustration.

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Councillor Linda Mosher
(902) 476-4117

Above content last modified Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 4:06pm.