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Public Service Announcement

Bi-Hi Ramps Closed to Traffic for Two Weeks

(Friday, November 9/2001)-- Halifax Regional Municipality advises motorists that the on/off ramps connecting the Bi-centennial Highway to Dutch Village Road will be closed to traffic for a two-week period, beginning Monday, November 12th.

The closures are necessary to complete construction on the final phase of the new T-intersection on Joseph Howe Drive, which will give motorists direct access to and from the Bi-Hi.

Motorists who access the Bi-Hi or Dutch Village Road ramps are asked to use alternate routes, such as Bayer's Road or Dunbrack Street, during this two-week construction period..

HRM apologizes for any inconvenience to residents and the motoring public as a result of this temporary ramp closure. The scheduled opening of the new intersection is Friday, November 23, 2001.

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Rick Paynter
Manager, HRM Construction Services
(902) 490-6130

O'Halloran Campbell Consultants Limited
Project Manager
(902) 429-9826

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.