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Public Meetings Planned Regarding C & D Operations

(Thursday, November 15/2001)-- HRM's Solid Waste Resources Advisory Committee will hold a series of public meetings regarding the operation of existing and future construction and demolition (C&D) facilities within the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By Laws.

The meetings mark the final stage of a process approved by Halifax Regional Council to implement a C&D Waste Management Strategy that maximizes reuse and recycling, and minimizes the disposal of construction and demolition materials.

The C & D waste management strategy is a critical component of the overall HRM waste management system. Each year approximately 75,000 tonnes of C&D material is generated within HRM ,which has to be properly managed.

Residents will have an opportunity to comment on an approach that will:

  • designate new zones for C&D operations,
  • assign new C&D zoning based upon current functions of existing C&D operations,
  • require rezoning and site plan approval for new C&D operations and,
  • consider additional rights for existing C&D facilities for intended future operations.

Staff from HRM Planning and Development Services and Solid Waste Resources will be present at each meeting to provide an overview of the process, the amendments to the MPS and LUB, and to discuss the content and process of adopting the proposed amendments. A representative of NS Department of Environment and Labour will also be present at each meeting.

To ensure as many residents as possible have an opportunity to provide their comments, each meeting location is central to the areas represented by the five Community Councils.

The public meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the following locations:

Monday, November 19, 2001-- Western Community Council Area-- (Sambro, Harrietsfield, Timberlea, Goodwood, St. Margarets Bay area, Hammond Plains) at Sacred Heart Church Hall, 1714 St. Margarets Bay Road, Armdale.

Wednesday, November 21, 2001-- North West Community Council Area (Bedford, Sackville, Upper Sackville, Beaver Bank), in the cafeteria of Basinview Drive Community School, 273 Basinview Drive, Bedford.

Wednesday, November 28, 2001- Chebucto Community Council Area (Sambro/Herring Cove area and Halifax Mainland {north & south}) - Council Chambers, former County Building, 2750 Dutch Village Road, Halifax.

Thursday, November 29, 2001- Harbour East Community Council Area (Cole Harbour, Westphal, Eastern Passage, Cow Bay and Dartmouth areas), Board Chamber, Halifax Regional School Board Offices, 90 Alderney Drive, Dartmouth.

Monday, December 3, 2001- Marine Drive Valley and Canal Community Council Area (Lawrencetown, the Prestons, Musquodoboit Valley and Eastern Shore areas) , cafeteria of Eastern Shore District High School, Musquodoboit Harbour

If reporters require more information regarding the proposed amendments, intent of the meetings or HRM's C&D Waste Management Strategy , please contact HRM Planning Services at 490-4472.


(Note to Media: Halifax Regional Council approved in principle on October 23, 2001 a process of amending the Municipal Planning Strategies and Land Use By Laws to recognize and permit Construction and Demolition (C&D) transfer, recycling and disposal operations.)

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.