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Unique Partnership Results in New Public Park

(Friday, November 16/2001)-- A Bedford service club is partnering with the Halifax Regional Municipality and the Province of Nova Scotia to finance development of a new public park at Sandy Lake.

Mayor Peter Kelly and Bedford Councillor Len Goucher today accepted a cheque for $50,000 from George Churney, chairman of the Bedford Lion's Sandy Lake Park Committee, during a brief ceremony at the Lion's Den in the LeBrun Center.

Mayor Kelly said " This project is an example of what two levels of government, working together with a community, can accomplish even in difficult financial times. Rather than asking HRM or the Province or both to carry the entire load, the Bedford Lions stepped forward and put their money on the table... money that was raised in their community."

The $50,000 contribution was the first installment of a total $150,000 commitment to the park by the Bedford Lions. The service club, HRM and the Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation Commission have formed a unique partnership to finance the initial phases of the Sandy Lake park. Each partner committed to contributing $50,000 annually for three years, for a total of $450,000.

Councillor Goucher said "Bedford is one of the fastest-growing areas in the municipality and its residents need more parks and open space areas. The Sandy Lake park will not only preserve the natural beauty of this area, but provide lots of active and passive recreational activities for residents of all ages."

Mr. Churney said " The Bedford Lions have always prided themselves on putting something back into their community. Over the years, we have contributed to many project in the Bedford area and we are please that Sandy Lake park will help meet some of the recreational needs of our citizens for generations to come. "

First planned as a community park by the former Town of Bedford in 1986, the approximate154 acres around Sandy Lake are being developed as a significant new park in HRM. When completed, it is expected to include between 10-15 kilometers of walking trails, a parking area and beachfront swimming/picnic areas.

Park planning is being led by HRM staff, with consultation from the Lions Club and community residents.

  • Phase One of the development, which includes an access driveway and a gravel parking area, was completed this Fall.
  • Phase Two is currently being planned and is intended to improve access to the beachfront swimming /picnic area and provide public washrooms.
  • Phase Three is intended to develop the wooded walking trails throughout the park.

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Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

Councillor Len Goucher
(902) 476-0021

"Lion" George Churney
Bedford Lions Club
(490) 835-

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.