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Mayor Kelly Takes Up Federal Minister's Challenge

(Wednesday, November 21/2001)--Following the wrap-up of the Atlantic Mayors Congress meetings on Saturday, some delegates will remain in Halifax for an extra day to attend the "Saltwater Cities Wastewater Symposium."

Mayor Peter Kelly said he organized the symposium in response to a challenge issued recently by Industry Minister Brian Tobin. The federal Minister stated publicly that he was not prepared to deal on an individual basis with harbour communities seeking federal cost-sharing for wastewater clean-up projects.

The Mayor said "Mr. Tobin made it abundantly clear that the Federal government is not prepared to deal on a piecemeal basis. He is looking at a national policy and that is why I believe that it is vitally important for the harbour communities in Canada to develop a common strategy to have the greatest impact in any future negotiations."

Mayor Peter Kelly will host the symposium, at which the Mayors from various harbour communities in Canada will hear presentations from the Canadian Port Authorities, the Atlantic Coastal Action Program, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and Environment Canada.

He said he is hopeful the symposium will serve as the catalyst for the Mayors to develop a common strategy in their dealings to obtain Federal-Provincial cost-sharing for harbour clean-ups through subsequent negotiations.

Because this is largely an exploratory meeting among the Mayors, the sessions will not be open to the media. However, Mayor Kelly and other officials will be available for formal briefings and media interviews at the noon break and following the daily sessions.

(agenda attached)


Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

John O'Brien
HRM Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.