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Public Service Announcement

Sidewalks Should Be " Wide and Clear" for Seniors, Disabled

(Wednesday, January 23/2000)-- Businesses and residents are reminded to keep seniors and the disabled in mind when clearing sidewalks and curb areas of ice and snow.

District 14 Councillor Sheila Fougere (Connaught-Quinpool) says many seniors using canes and disabled persons in wheelchairs or motorized wheelchairs often find it difficult to move about when sidewalks and curb cuts are not properly cleared during the winter months.

The Councillor urged businesses and residents to clear sidewalks wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair and to ensure that curb cuts on corner lots are wide and clear to allow the person using a cane or wheelchair to pass safely from one sidewalk area to another.

She said persons in wheelchairs are often left immobile if the machine becomes stuck in heavy snow or on ice; wheelchairs sometimes tip-over on uneven snow and ice surfaces; and the user also runs the risk of burning out the motor on an electric wheelchair if it becomes stuck in snow and ice and the machine cannot move.

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Councillor Sheila Fougere
(902) 452-3209

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.