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(Wednesday, February 6/2002)-- Please note in the past paragraph of Councillor Uteck's previous news release today regarding the Halifax Regional School Board, the reference to "we" should have been bracketed HRSB (Halifax Regional School Board) and not HRM (Halifax Regional Municipality)

As we all know, the municipality is not responsible for school openings/closures or the expenditure of education funding within HRM- that authority rests with the Halifax Regional School Board.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

What read in the news release as:

Councillor Uteck said the Mayor's Task Force on Supplementary Funding met earlier this week with the Deputy Minister of Education, Dennis Cochrane, to examine at the funding formula "and it appears that we (HRM) are receiving equitable treatment. Perhaps, we are not managing our funding correctly?"

Should have read:

Councillor Uteck said the Mayor's Task Force on Supplementary Funding met earlier this week with the Deputy Minister of Education, Dennis Cochrane, to examine at the funding formula "and it appears that we (HRSB) are receiving equitable treatment. Perhaps, they are not managing our funding correctly?"

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John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Office
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.