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Mayor, Councillor Ask For Additional Protection for Herring Cove Area

(Thursday, March 28/2002)-- Mayor Peter Kelly said today that certain steps are already in place, but he has asked for more to be taken, to assure residents of the Herring Cove area that their community has adequate fire and emergency service protection.

Mayor Kelly, Spryfield/Herring Cove Councillor Stephen Adams and HRM officials attended a community meeting last evening in Herring Cove. A number of residents expressed concern about the impact recent events involving the Herring Cove Volunteer Fire Department are having on fire and emergency protection services in the area.

Certain members of the Herring Cove Department, including the Volunteer Fire Chief, were asked to resign in late February by the Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Service (HRF&ES) over alleged wrongdoing. Other volunteer members quit in protest.

The Mayor and Councillor Adams said both had been advised at the time by the Regional Fire Service that in addition to the remaining volunteers, two full-time firefighters were available 24 hours-7 days a week In addition, full-time firefighters and volunteers from stations in neighbouring communities were available to respond to calls.

However, as a result of last night's meeting, Mayor Kelly and the Councillor have requested additional fire/emergency service protection for the Herring Cove/Ketch Harbour community.

Interim Action Plan, Effective Today:

1) Former volunteer firefighters who resigned in protest are welcome back.

2) Casual firefighters will be stationed at Herring Cove during daylight hours (in addition to the two full-time firefighters, for a total of four) to ensure there is always a full crew responding on fire apparatus in the event of a fire/emergency call at the local schools

3) A fire truck that had been removed by HRF&ES from the Ketch Harbour Volunteer Fire Station for security reasons was returned this morning.

4) HRF&ES will provide equipment to ensure medical response defibrillators will be available at both the Herring Cove and Ketch Harbour Volunteer Fire Departments.

5) A career firefighter from HRM who resides in Ketch Harbour will be made available to provide training to any volunteer on the defibrillator.

6) Volunteer recruitment efforts will be stepped-up in the Ketch Harbour area, in particular, to broaden and increase fire/emergency response in the area. (One new volunteer was recruited today.)

7) A liaison officer will be appointed to act between the Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Service and volunteer fire departments in the Herring Cove area.

The Herring Cove Volunteer Fire Station and the adjacent community hall remain open to all residents of the community and volunteer groups.

8) The Herring Cove Volunteer Fire Station and the adjacent community hall remain open to all residents of the community and volunteer groups.

Both Mayor Kelly and Councillor Adams committed to those attending the community meeting last evening that they would report back to them on progress in the coming weeks.

Arrangements are being made to schedule that meeting for Thursday, April 25th, at 7:30 p.m., in St. Paul's Church Hall, Herring Cove.


Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

Councillor Stephen Adams
(902) 497-8818

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.