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Council Believes Human Rights Complaint on Halifax Sewage Treatment Plant Siting not valid

(Tuesday, April 23,2002)- HRM's negotiations on the Halifax Harbour Solutions Project are continuing with the Halifax Regional Environmental Partnership (HREP) and are expected to be approved in the near future.

Halifax Regional Council had accepted in principle in December 2001, the recommendations of the Proposal Selection Committee of the Halifax Harbour Solutions Project, and appointed a negotiating team to negotiate the terms and conditions of the Project Agreement with Halifax Regional Environmental Partnership (HREP).

The negotiations included the terms of any amendments which were necessitated by a review of the situation regarding available sites, financing and other outstanding issues.

One of the issues of a technical nature with respect to the recommendation from the Proposal Selection Committee which was decided on by Council was to confirm the location of the sewage treatment plant in Halifax. After additional information was provided by staff on February 26 , 2002, HRM Council approved a motion to reconfirm that the Halifax Sewage Treatment Plant should be located on the HRM-owned site at the corner of Cornwallis and Barrington Streets.

Council does not believe that the Human Rights Complaint put forth by the Central Halifax Community Association (CHCA), the Brunswick Heritage Area Residents' Association and the Africville Genealogical Society has validity. Council has agreed to deal with the formal process if and when the complaint is advanced. A uniform siting criteria was used to site all three wastewater treatment plants as part of the initial process. After detailed examination, Council rejected the alternate site in favour of the HRM site for the Halifax Wastewater Treatment Plant.

HRM and Regional Council wish to reaffirm their ongoing commitment in working with the host communities in implementing the Harbour Solutions Project.

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Contact: Lori Patterson
Acting Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.