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Major Clean-up Initiative To Be Launched for Downtown Areas

(Monday, May 27, 2002) -- Mayor Peter Kelly, on behalf of Halifax Regional Council, will launch a major clean-up campaign for the downtown cores later this week.

It's all part of the new maintenance plan for the Capital District. The municipality's regular summer maintenance program for the downtown areas will be dove-tailed with clean-up initiatives by the various local business commissions. The end result will be a major thrust of combined energies and a coordinated focus on infrastructure improvements/ beautification in the downtown similar to when Halifax hosted the G-7 Economic Summit in 1995.

One piece of new equipment that has been acquired to help in the clean-up effort is the "MADVAC", a machine specifically designed to clean sidewalks of litter and debris. Mayor Kelly will take the MADVAC for its inaugural clean-up along a part of Barrington Street.

Downtown Halifax Business Commission, Downtown Dartmouth Development Corporation, Waterfront Development Corporation Ltd., Spring Garden Road Area Business Commission, Quinpool Road Mainstreet District Association, and Gottingen Street businesses are working in partnership with the Capital District Task Force and HRM to improve and enhance the downtown cores.

When: Thursday, May 30, 2002

Time: 11:00 AM

Where: Grand Parade, Barrington Street entrance.

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Sally Christie
Communications, Capital District
(902) 490-6094

John O'Brien
HRM Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.