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Mayor Kelly Kicks-Off Aggressive Maintenance Plan for Capital District

(Thursday, May 30/2002)-- Mayor Peter Kelly officially launched a three-year Capital District maintenance plan this morning, by navigating the sidewalks along Barrington Street at the wheel of a new sidewalk sweeper known as the "MADVAC."

The Capital District and HRM's Parks and Recreation and Streets and Roads have established partnerships with the Downtown Halifax Business Commission, Downtown Dartmouth Development Corporation, Waterfront Development Corporation Ltd., Spring Garden Road Area Business Commission, Quinpool Road Mainstreet District Association, and Gottingen Street businesses and developed a plan that commits to a cleaner and more beautiful downtown.

Mayor Kelly said "Not since Halifax hosted the G-7 Economic Summit in 1995 has there been such a focus and energy devoted to the downtown districts. In the last seven years, more visitors and residents frequented the downtown area and that has taken its toll on the infrastructure. That's why we established this new maintenance strategy."

The Mayor added "The Capital District is the business and tourism capital of Atlantic Canada, and when it is cleaned up and well taken care of, it is a reflection on the entire region. It shows that we take pride in our community."

The maintenance plan was developed by a joint, subcommittee of the Capital District Task Force made up of representatives from HRM, business associations and the Waterfront Development Corporation.

Chair Peter Bigelow, Manager of Parks and Open Spaces, says, "Cooperation makes a better Capital District. These relationships allow us to pool our resources to get things done."

The maintenance plan will be rolled-out over a three-year period, starting this month with a team of 21 workers who will address the major issues of:

  • Graffiti - education, eradication, empowerment, enforcement and beautification, based on the Toronto model.
  • Litter - business owners working with the Commissions and HRM to sustain a cleaner environment
  • Posters, notices - cleaning-up poles and encouraging use of kiosks and pole collars
  • Painting HRM sites, garbage cans
  • Horticulture - a dedicated team for planting flowers and trees
  • Street furniture replacement, such as benches
  • Phased-in brick sidewalk renewal
  • Increased street light maintenance
  • Replacement and repair of waterfront wharves
  • Capital projects such as Granville Mall, Victoria Park, and Gottingen Street

A clean-up challenge between downtown Halifax and Dartmouth is scheduled for June 6.

Mayor Kelly said "This is the kind of excitement that grows from caring about your downtown and implementing an aggressive maintenance plan. This is a major move towards establishing a sustainable, cared for, well- maintained, and planned Capital District. "

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Sally Christie
Communications for Capital District
(902) 490-6094

John O'Brien
HRM Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.