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Public Service Announcement

Public Urged to Respect Grave Sites

(Monday, July 22/2002)-- Visitors to the Camp Hill Cemetery in Halifax are reminded not to walk on the grave sites of those buried there.

Halifax Regional Municipality has been advised that persons have been gathering near the wrought iron fence at the southeastern corner of Camp Hill Cemetery to watch the excavation of a development site adjacent to the cemetery on Summer Street.

As a result, graves are being trod upon and some persons have been observed standing on the stone markers of the graves to obtain a better vantage point to observe the excavation.

This apparent disregard for the grave sites is of concern to HRM and to friends and families whose loved ones are buried at Camp Hill Cemetery.


John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.