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HRM to Hold Workshops on Street Safety Issues

(Tuesday, September 17/2002)--What do Safe Streets mean to you?

Everyone has a different answer to this question, but the HRM Capital District Society's "Safe Streets Initiative" is attempting to answer this question by working with local business groups, area residents and others.

Beginning today, a series of workshops will be held to provide the public with opportunities to discuss their concerns and thoughts about public safety. They are designed to encourage participants to learn from the experience of others; to assist them in developing a network of contacts among the stakeholder groups; and to encourage them to begin working together to develop solutions to their particular neighborhood problems. The workshops will be facilitated by Michael Spencer, of The Spencer Group.

Mayor Peter Kelly said Halifax Regional Municipality is pleased to be part of the Safe Streets Initiative.

Mayor Kelly said, "This initiative will provide our residents, our businesses and our visitors with opportunities to share their views on safety in our Capital District. We are confident that through the Safe Streets Initiative, the Capital District will become an even better place to live, work, and play."

Cecil Wright, speaking on behalf of Justice Canada's National Crime Prevention Strategy and the Community Mobilization Program, said "One of our aims is to address the root causes of crime through the development of community-based partnerships and increasing public awareness of effective crime prevention efforts. We are pleased tohave played a role in the success of the Safe Streets Initiative Congratulations to HRM for recognizing a community need and working pro-actively to reduce the victimization of innocent citizens".

Funded by the Federal Justice Community Mobilization Program, the Safe Streets Initiative was launched earlier this summer with a series of community meetings. Notes from those meetings will be used by Scott Kenney, a part-time Sociology Professor at Saint Mary's University and Dalhousie University, to develop surveys that will provide an empirical record of safety concerns and solutions.

Organizers say the meetings have provided valuable insight into the safety issues that are unique to each business area.

The Capital District Society, is a partnership between the Halifax Regional Municipality, the Capital District East Business Commission, the Downtown Halifax Business Commission, the Quinpool Road Mainstreet Business Association, the Spring Garden Road Merchants Association and the Gottingen Street business community.

The Workshop dates are as follows:

  • Sept 17- Gottingen St.
  • Sept 19- Downtown Dartmouth
  • Sept 25- Spring Garden
  • Sept 30- Downtown Halifax
  • Oct 3- Quinpool Road

The information gathered from the workshops, public meetings, and survey will be compiled to develop a Safety Audit, which will identify key safety issues and the solutions that people wish to see.

The workshops are open to the public and anyone interested in participating should register in advance by contacting Dena Pace at 490-4114.


Dena Pace
Safe Streets Initiative
(902) 490-4114

Carol Macomber
Project Manager
Capital District
(902) 490-5908

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.