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News Release

Mayor Proposes Code of Ethics and Conduct

(Friday, October 18/2002)-- Mayor Peter Kelly announced today that he will soon recommend the appointment of an independent third party to develop a Code of Ethics and Conduct for members of Halifax Regional Council and Senior Management of HRM.

Mayor Kelly said he will be contacting a number of prominent individuals (e.g retired members of the judiciary) in the community during the next number of days regarding the task.

The Mayor will formally ask Council to endorse the appointment of the independent third party, who will work with Councillors and Senior staff in formulating the Code of Ethics and Conduct.

"I believe there is an expectation today on the part of the public that there be clear and definite guidelines regarding the conduct of their elected officials. Other levels of government have established similar Codes, and I believe that HRM, as the largest municipality in the Province, should be taking the lead at the local government level," he said.


Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.