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Public Invited to Review HRM Draft Bike Plan

(Wednesday, October 30/2002)-- A draft Bike Plan will be released to the public for comment at a series of public meetings next week. Halifax Regional Municipality is seeking comments from the public, so that the draft plan may be improved before the final version is produced.

Prepared for the HRM by consultants EDM Limited., the goal of the plan is to create a municipality where bicycling is a safe, appealing, and efficient means of transportation.

In addition to the public meetings, residents of HRM are also invited to send along comments by email, phone, or in writing. The draft will be available for download after Monday, November 4 from


Monday Nov 4 (Halifax) - 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. NS Museum of Natural History - Auditorium

Tuesday Nov 5 (Dartmouth) - 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Alderney Gate Library - H. Creighton Room

Wednesday Nov 6 (Burnside) - 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. Metro Transit (200 Ilsley) - Training Room

Wednesday Nov 6 (Spryfield) - 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Captain William Spry Centre (Conf. Room 3)

Thursday Nov 7 (Sackville) - 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sackville Public Library Fenerty Room.)


At each meeting, a draw will be held for safety equipment (LIGHTS and REFLECTIVE items), donated by Mountain Equipment Co-op and the Ecology Action Centre. (Only those present at the meeting(s) will be eligible to win these items.)


Wayne Groszko
HRM Bikeways Coordinator
(902) 490-6993

Hanita Koblents or Gordon Smith
(902) 425-7900

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.