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Snow/Ice Facts

Old Man Winter Taking Its Toll on HRM Budgets

(Thursday, November 7/2002)-- The approved snow/ice maintenance budget for 2002/2003 is $8,032, 967.

Each time there is a major snow event (ice and/or snow storm), the total cost is about $500,000 per storm.

Last season (2001/2002), the approved snow/ice budget was $8,005,136. By the time the winter was finally over, the actual amount spent was $11,251,156. HRM used more than 42,000 tonnes of salt that season, at a cost of $2.3 million.

Because of the very unpredictable and unusual winter season in 2000/2001, HRM was required to spend more than $5 million above what had been budgeted for snow/ice control.

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John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.