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Street Re-Naming to End Confusion, Increase Public Safety

(Tuesday, November 19/2002)-- Forty years of confusion associated with the current configuration of Dutch Village Road and Joseph Howe Drive in Halifax is about to end.

The new solution should eliminate confusion for emergency responders, increase public safety and minimize the impact to residents and businesses in that area.

HRM's Civic Addressing staff have been working with representatives from Police, Fire, E911, RCMP, and Emergency Health Services (EHS) during the past year to find a workable solution to the problem, which dates back to the construction of the Bi-Centennial Highway in 1962.

Effective March 3, 2003, the section of road from the Armdale Rotary to the Fairview Overpass will be known as Joseph Howe Drive. The "looped" westerly portion of Dutch Village Road will retain its present name (this was the original location of the "Dutch Village").

The cul-de-sac, resulting from the new Bi-Hi ramp configuration, will be known as "Westerwald Street".(The original German families in the area referred to their settlement as 'Westerwald', meaning western forest or western woods.)

Due to the nature of the grid numbering system, none of these street name changes will affect civic numbers. Therefore, all house numbers will remain the same.

Area residents can expect to receive notification in the mail regarding these changes during the week of November 25th- 29th, 2002. The strict time frame for the street renaming allows any changes for both businesses and residents to be included in the new telephone directories for 2003/2004.

Canada Post is partnering with HRM in the correction of civic addresses in the designated areas by providing six months free mail redirect for residential uses, and one year free mail redirect for commercial operations.


Donna Davis
Project Manager
Civic Addressing Program
(902) 490-4417

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.