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Page 3 article, Today's Chronicle-Herald

(Friday, February 7/2003)-- It was erroneously reported in The Chronicle-Herald today that Councillor Linda Mosher was among a group of Halifax Regional Councillors who allegedly asked a pesticide manufacturer to appear before Council at one of its official meetings.

The article claims that officials of Scott Turf Products met with six Councillors yesterday to discuss the possibility of HRM waiting until the Federal government releases its report on the safety of various products before imposing the final stage of its Pesticide By-Law on April 1st.

Also, in the page 3 article by reporter Jeffrey Simpson, entitled "Pesticide firm attempts to block ban," it listed Councillor Mosher as one of several Councillors who attended a private meeting at City Hall on Thursday with representatives of the pesticide company.

For the record, Councillor Mosher said she was contacted regarding the Thursday meeting-- like all other members of Council. She said she planned to attend to hear what the company had to say; however, the 1 p.m. meeting was wrapping up when she arrived at the Councillor's Support Office at 1:22 p.m.

In addition, Councillor Mosher says she was not contacted by Mr. Simpson or any other Chronicle-Herald reporter regarding this inaccurate article before it appeared in today's edition of the newspaper.

Councillor Mosher reiterates that she is not part of any Council group who allegedly asked officials of the manufacturing company to appear before a meeting of Halifax Regional Council regarding the pesticide by-law.


Councillor Linda Mosher
(902) 476-4117

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.