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New Smoke Free Places By-law Comes into Effect Next Week

(Wednesday, April 16/2003)-- By-law S-203 (Smoke Free Places By-law) approved by Halifax Regional Council yesterday, permits smoking in bars, casinos and private clubs with separately enclosed, ventilated rooms ONLY.

1. Under provisions of the new by-law, the serving of food in the designated smoking areas in bars, casinos and private clubs will not be permitted.

2. Outdoor patio areas of drinking establishments are exempt from the smoking restrictions.

3. Royal Canadian Legions and cigar bars are exempt from the municipal by-law, and will be subject only to provincial legislation regarding smoking in public places.

4. Smoking is prohibited in all restaurants and bingo halls.

5. A total smoking ban on all bars, casinos and private clubs will come into effect on January 1, 2008.

Notice of the new by-law will be advertised in this Saturday's editions of both daily newspapers and the restrictions will go into effect on Monday, April 21st.

Under provisions of the new by-law, smoking is prohibited in all restaurants and bingo halls. Such establishments are expected to comply with by-law S-203, beginning next week.

Because not all bars, casinos and private clubs have had an opportunity to install separately enclosed, ventilated smoking areas in compliance with the provincial regulations; in order to give them a reasonable time to comply, HRM staff is developing a roll-out strategy which would include a transition time frame for complete compliance of By-law S-203 and enforcement practices.

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John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.