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Atlantic Mayors Reiterate Support for Single-Voice Approach

(HALIFAX, Saturday, April 26/2003)-- Delegates to the Atlantic Mayors' Congress meeting here reiterated their support today for the common-front, single- municipal- approach to dealing with the Federal and respective provincial governments.

Mayor Peter Kelly, of the Halifax Regional Municipality and Chair of the Congress, said the Mayors attending the conference Friday and today reviewed the structure and membership of the organization and unanimously agreed to continue with their united effort.

"When up against the strong municipal voices of Ontario, Quebec and Western Canada, it is important for a strong Atlantic voice to be heard when discussing and deciding upon items on the national agenda, " he said.

The Atlantic Mayors Congress was established in November 2001. At the invitation of Mayor Kelly, the Mayors of 17 municipalities gathered in Halifax to explore the possibility of working together as a united front, on common issues; particularly in dealings with the Federal and provincial governments.

The next meeting of the Atlantic Mayors' Congress will be in Summerside this Fall.


Mayor Peter Kelly
Chair, Atlantic Mayors Conference
(902) 490-4010 or (902) 222-9999

John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531
(902) 490-4044 (fax)

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.