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Note to Editors

(Friday, May 2/2003)-- In light of recent media reports regarding confusion among bingo operators within Halifax Regional Municipality over provisions of By-law S-203 Smoke Free Places, the following memo was sent out to all bingo operations in the municipality today.

John O'Brien
HRM Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531



TO: Bingo Operators

FROM: Paul Dunphy, Director of Planning & Development Services

DATE: May 2, 2003

SUBJECTS: Smoke Free Places Bylaw

There has been some confusion with regards to when bingo facilities must comply with HRM's new Smoking Bylaw. This memo is being circulated to all bingo operators in order to clear up the confusion and ensure that all bingos are operating on a level playing field with respect to bylaw compliance.

Regional Council passed the Smoking Bylaw on Tuesday April 15, 2003 and it came into effect on Saturday April 19,2003. All bingo operators have now had sufficient time to notify their patrons and make all necessary arrangements to comply with the bylaw. For clarity this means:

  • No smoking is permitted in any bingo.
  • You are required to ensure that patrons do not smoke in your bingo.
  • HRM inspectors have begun to inspect bingo facilities to ensure that no smoking is taking place.
  • You must post no smoking signs at the entrance to your building.

In the coming weeks, you may see additional media coverage and Council debate with respect to phasing-in of the smoking bylaw. The bylaw allows bars to construct smoking rooms and Council will be deciding shortly whether or not to allow them time to construct their smoking rooms before enforcing the no smoking provisions of the bylaw. However, all other provisions of the by-law are in effect now and will be enforced.

I trust this information clarifies your responsibilities. Thank you for your patience on this matter and thank you for your cooperation.

Paul Dunphy,
Director, Planning and Development Services


A copy of the bylaw is attached for your reference. You may also find it on the Halifax Regional Municipality web site

If you have questions you may call the HRM call centre at 490-4000 or send an e-mail to


Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.