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Infrastructure Crisis to Dominate Municipal Leader Talks

(HALIFAX, N.S., Wednesday, May 28/2003)-- Mayor Peter Kelly is travelling to Winnipeg today in advance of the start of the annual conference of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) there to attend meetings of the Creative Cities Coalition and the Big City Mayors' Caucus.

Mayor Kelly has been invited to participate on a panel with former Federal Finance Minister Paul Martin and others at the Creative Cities Coalition to discuss Canada's crumbling infrastructure crisis. He will offer a perspective on the challenge from the point of view of municipalities in Atlantic Canada.

Mayor Kelly has long advocated that Canadian municipalities should receive a portion of the Gasoline Tax, which could be directed towards road maintenance and construction; enhanced transit service; and for implementing new transportation pilot projects, such as commuter rail and improved harbour ferry service.

The meeting is being sponsored by the City of Winnipeg and the Canadian Federation of Municipalities. It will take place tomorrow (May 29th), prior to a meeting of the Big City Mayors' Caucus and the start of the annual conference of the FCM on Friday.

More than 80 per cent of Canadians live in urban areas and see proof everyday of crumbling infrastructure. The FCM estimates the infrastructure deficit-- the gap between what needs to be fixed and the money to pay for it-- is $57 billion.

The Creative Cities Coalition is dedicated to developing a national strategy to ensure that Canadian cities are vibrant, dynamic, engaging places in which to live and prosper. It brings together Mayors and other municipal officials with leaders in business, labour and community groups.

Those attending the Big City Mayors' Caucus meeting on Friday will be discussing a variety of topics, such as the FCM Work Plan on Municipal Finance and Political Timetable; the Federal Infrastructure Funding Status Report; Revenue Sharing: the Gas Tax Opportunity; Public Health Costs; the National Drug Strategy and Implementing the Kyoto Protocol.


Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010
or cell (902) 222-9999

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.