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Councillor Sloane to Join Local Artists

(Wednesday, September 17/2003)-- District 12 Councillor Dawn Sloane will be among those participating in the second annual "Art on Spring Garden" event this weekend.

Sponsored by the Spring Garden Road Area Business Association, participating artists will be assigned a specific location to work along the street, complete with a large patio-size umbrella.

Councillor Sloane, who will be on-site at Victoria Park, said "This is an opportunity for residents and visitors alike to enjoy the works of the many wonderful talented artists that we have in HRM. Our art community is very strong and this type of event allows the artists to be front and center with the public."

Participants will be permitted to sell art works completed on site. The event is designed to allow artists to paint or draw objects, scenes and sights from around the Spring Garden Road area.

"Art on Spring Garden"is intended to be an "as it happens" event and artists will not be charged a fee to participate or be asked to give a percentage of each piece of art sold to the business association.


Councillor Dawn Sloane
(902) 488- 4812

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.