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As of 10:00 am, Wednesday, October 1, 2003

The following is a brief summary of the clean-up activities which have been taking place with the hurricane clean-up over the past 24 hours. HRM crews continue to be assisted by members of the Canadian Forces.

The immediate priority is to provide direct support to NS Power. As of today, NSPI has 41 crews (2-3 persons) working in the Halifax, Dartmouth and Sackville/Bedford areas. All support requested from NSPI has been provided. Over the past two days NSPI has deployed their resources in the most effective and efficient manner to restore power to critical public infrastructure. This work is the critical path and there is a definite limit to the assistance we can provide in that area. This operation will continue 24/7.

On the Peninsula, the military have 3 teams of ten providing direct support to NSPI.

In Dartmouth, the military is coordinating their efforts with NSPI on the ground.

Priority Two is for general debris clearance. We have been treating this activity similar to a snow clearance operation. Public Works is leading this activity and are supported by the military. On the Peninsula, the military have 8 teams of ten supporting this activity. In Dartmouth, roughly 200 soldiers are working from the downtown area outwards. These activities are being closely coordinated with NSPI. ,

Meanwhile, schools throughout HRM are closed today. Dalhousie, King's, Saint Mary's and Mount Saint Vincent Universities are also closed .

There is no residential garbage collection today in Halifax, Cole Harbour/Eastern Passage and Sackville/Beaver Bank. Garbage collection for these areas is postponed until Saturday, October 4th. However, those areas regularly scheduled for Wednesday Green Cart collection will still receive pick-up today. These areas are Dartmouth, Bedford/Hammonds Plains, Prospect Road including Goodwood and White's Lake area, Mineville/Lake Echo and area and the Eastern Shore. These same areas (only) will also receive blue bag/recycling collection today.

Metro Transit's full service (including ferries) has been restored and running since Tuesday morning.Some delays and detours are still in effect where regular routes are impassable due to fallen debris. Use of monthly September transit passes has been extended to be valid until Saturday, October 4th as a result of many of the 55 regular transit retail outlets not being open to sell new October passes.

The HRM Call Centre is taken over 10,000 calls to date and continues to handle calls from residents.

For further information please contact the H.R.M. Call Centre at 490-4000.

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Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.