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Public Service Announcement

HRM Urges Public Cooperation in Park Visit

(Friday, October 17/2003)-- Approximately 70 per cent of the trees have been felled or damaged and much of the infrastructure within Point Pleasant Park boundaries has been damaged as a result of Hurricane Juan. Because of the magnitude of the destruction within the park, HRM has been forced to close the park to the public for an undetermined length of time.

However, a restricted area of the park will be opened to the public this weekend ONLY to provide residents with an opportunity to see first-hand the extensive damage sustained as a result of Hurricane Juan.

PLEASE NOTE: If weather becomes dangerous (i.e. high winds, rain, etc.) the park will be closed immediately to public travel.

Because of the large number of residents expected to visit the park from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, HRM is requesting the co-operation of the public on a number of issues:

  • Enter & exit the park ONLY from the designated area in the lower parking lot, opposite the Halterm Terminal
  • Access will be restricted pathway { the loop from Sailor's Memorial Way (previously Shore Road) and the Arm Road} which will be marked with "caution tape" and flanked by security staff. Due to several washouts, VISITORS ARE REMINDED TO WATCH THEIR FOOTING AT ALL TIMES while in the restricted area
  • Absolutely "NO SMOKING" while in or around the park area
  • In the interests of safety, it is HRM's preference NOT to have pets in the park during these two days of restricted access. However, if residents do arrive at the park with pets, they will not be admitted unless pets are kept on a short leash at all times while in the park.
  • Access to shoreline in the park is prohibited
  • Removal of any park infrastructure-- including any amount of plant material-- is strictly prohibited
  • If taking pictures, visitors must do so from the restricted pathway only.

There will be no access to public washroom facilities after entering the restricted pathway.

Although the park is open until 6:00 p.m., HRM requests visitors to begin to make their way back to the entrance/exit point by 4:00 p.m. to ensure their safety and to ensure all visitors have left the park before sunset.

For more information on how you can donate to the restoration fund for Point Pleasant Park please contact:

Please contact the HRM Corporate Call Centre at 490-4000 or make donations in cheque form payable to the HRM Infrastructure Recovery Fund- Point Pleasant Park- and may be mailed to the Halifax Regional Municipality, P.O. Box 1749, Halifax, N.S., B3J 3A5, Canada, as well, donations by cheque will also be accepted at the Mountain Equipment Co-operative, 1550 Granville Street Halifax.


John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.