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Residents Encouraged Not to Burn Wet Wood

(Tuesday, October 21, 2003) - Hurricane Juan has left an abundance of wood within HRM and residents should realize that although this could be used for fuel, please remember it is not appropriate to burn the wet wood. If burned now, it could result in a creosote build up in your chimney and may cause a chimney, or house fire.

The proper way to deal with this wood is to cut, split and store outdoors in appropriate stacks until it has been seasoned (at least six months).

Check for cracks in the end grain as a sign of dry wood. For further information on the proper use of burning wood, please check with the Fire Prevention Office at 490-5546.

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For further information contact:

John Blandin, Public Information Officer
Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Service

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.