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HRM Winding Down Clean-Up Operations

(Thursday, October 23/2003)-- Halifax Regional Municipality is winding down its Hurricane Juan clean-up operation.

Effective Saturday, October 25th, at 5 p.m., there will be no further collection of storm debris in the urban service core area.

Effective Wednesday, October 29th, at 4 p.m., there will be no further collection of storm debris in the rural areas of HRM.

Any materials left at curbside or roadside after those times will be the responsibility of the abutting property owner.

The municipality is now assessing whether there is a need for a one-time only future collection of storm debris on private roads in the rural areas which now have regular solid waste collection.

Residents are reminded that any trees branches or other storm debris set out for solid waste collection on regular compost (green cart) days must be in tied bundles, no more than 4-feet in length and no branch larger than 8-inches in diameter. Bundles should not exceed 55 pounds in weight. The normal limit of five bundles per household will be increased to 10 bundles per household for the next two weeks only (until Friday, November 7th)

Also, residents may choose to transport their storm debris materials to a local Construction and Demolition (C&D) depot. Regular fees apply.

Residents are advised that HRM will NOT be addressing any minor damage (lifted or damaged sods, heavy vehicle tire ruts) allegedly caused by hurricane clean-up operations in the municipal right-of-way on streets/roads at least until the regular Spring maintenance program begins.

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John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.