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Winter Overnight Parking Ban(s)

(Friday, January 16/2004)-- In an effort to help clear up any confusion that may exist among members of the media and the public regarding HRM Winter Parking Ban regulations, please review the following information:

The Winter Overnight Parking Ban in the Urban Core is NOT in effect yet on streets and roads located in the former cities of Halifax, Dartmouth and Bedford or those maintained by HRM Public Works and Transportation crews.

The media and public will be given advance notice when Winter weather conditions warrant implementation of the ban, by order of the HRM Traffic Authority.

However, motorists are reminded that the provincial Winter Overnight Parking Ban has been in effect since mid-December in areas outside the Urban Core. Therefore, no vehicle shall be parked between the hours of 1 a.m. to 7 a.m., December 17th to March 31st, on roads and streets located in the former County of Halifax and maintained by the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Public Works. (Communities affected by ban listed on N.S. Department of Transportation and Public Works web site

NOTE: Regardless of the Winter Overnight Parking bans, residents of HRM are reminded that Section 139 of the Motor Vehicle Act provides that parked vehicles obstructing snow removal or winter maintenance operations may be removed at the owner's cost regardless of time or date.

In other words, if it is snowing or if icing conditions exist; if winter maintenance operations (e.g. snow clearing, salting) are in effect following a snowfall or as a result of icy conditions---vehicle owners are advised to park their vehicles off-street.

I hope that this information will be helpful to your newsroom and your viewers, listeners or readers.


John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.