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"Dream it Do it" Your Visions for Central Halifax

(Thursday, January 29/2004) - Councillor Dawn Sloane is urging residents of District 12 to attend a public meeting next week , entitled "Dream It, Do It", and express their views on how they want to see their community develop.

Six dynamic speakers will share their visions for the future of the Central Halifax neighbourhood, which is bounded by Cogswell, Agricola, North, and Barrington Streets. There will be a question and answer period and refreshments following the meeting.

Councillor Sloane said "All are welcome. Come and get inspired about your community, the possibilities are limitless."

The Councillor commended the Community Liaison Committee for the Halifax Sewage Treatment Plant for organizing the "Dream It, Do It" event. ( Contact number for the group is 490-4567.)

When: Monday, February 2, 2004

Time: 7 p.m.

Where: George Dixon C entre, Gottingen Street, Halifax

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Councillor Dawn Sloane
(902) 488-4812

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.