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Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Concerned with Situation at
Old Halifax Infirmary Building

(Wednesday, February 18, 2004 ) - Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency are very concerned with the situation at the former Halifax Infirmary building on Queen Street. Since the fire on Monday, Fire investigators have seen evidence that dozens of homeless persons are living in the abandoned hospital.

Divisional Chief Mike LeRue said that "I am very concerned another major fire could occur in the large vacant building. Our fear is that if there are people known to be living in a structure like this, it would be very difficult to search the building to find them. It not only endangers their lives, but our firefighter`s would be put at a very serious risk".

Mr. LeRue said that a similar fire occurred in December 1999 in Worcester, Mass., where six firefighters lost their lives searching a vacant building looking for homeless people living there. He does not want the same tragedy to happen here.

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Mike LeRue
Divisional Chief
Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.