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Students Donate Funds to HRM for Hemlock Ravine Park Restoration

(Friday, March 26/2004) - At 1:45 p.m., Monday, March 29, students and staff of Ecole Grosvenor-Wentworth Park School will gather at a school assembly to present a cheque in the amount of $200.00 in support of the restoration of Hemlock Ravine Park.

Probably HRM's oldest stand of trees (between 300-400 years old) were destroyed as a result of Hurricane Juan last fall. Those trees were located in Hemlock Ravine Park.

District 16 Councillor Debbie Hum and Peter Bigelow, Manager - Real Property Planning will be in attendence to receive the donation on behalf of HRM.

The school's Environment Club recently fundraised the money by organizing an afterschool dance for students in Grade 4-6.

Hemlock Ravine Park sustained extensive damage as a result of Hurricane Juan and remains officially closed to the public. The school abutts Hemlock Ravine Park and is often used by the students and staff for educational purposes and physical activity outings.

Area councillor Debbie Hum says "the timing of the donation couldn't be more perfect. HRM has gone out with an RFP with plans to commence restoration of the park come spring."

She adds "the Environment Club and teacher advisor Peggy Taylor are to be commended for once again showing such initiative and an appreciation for the great natural resource that is literally within a few metres of the school."

Peter Bigelow, Manager of Real Property Planning for HRM states "Hemlock Ravine Park is one of our prime regional parks, but the significant damage incurred to its old tree stands has been often overshadowed by the damage sustained at Point Pleasant Park and the Public Gardens."

Councillor Debbie Hum (Prince's Lodge-Clayton Park West) says anyone wishing to make a donation to the Hemlock Ravine Park restoration can make their cheque payable to the HRM Infrastructure Renewal Fund, P.O. Box 1749, Halifax NS B3J 3A5 and note the designated park.

For more information contact:

Debbie Hum
Councillor - District 16
Prince's Lodge-Clayton Park West
Office: 490-6807
Cell: 476-7212

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.