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Information Meeting to Discuss Tree Hazard Remediation:

(Friday, May 7/2004)-- Councillor Debbie Hum (District 16--Prince's Lodge/Clayton Park West) and "Friends of Hemlock Ravine Park Society" are organizing a community information meeting later this month to discuss HRM's tree hazard remediation project in the popular park.

Halifax Regional Council approved the project, estimated to cost over $635,000, on Tuesday of this week. Work is scheduled to begin next week and will continue for approximately six weeks.

Councillor Hum says the purpose of the meeting on May 19th is to provide the public with details regarding the scope of the project, which involves major clean-up of damage as a result of Hurricane Juan.

The Councillor says "The information meeting will also provide an opportunity for residents to ask HRM staff any questions they may have regarding the work to be done in the park."

Rick Gagne, Acting President of the Friends of Hemlock Ravine Park Society, says "The information session will be held in conjunction with our annual general meeting. All are welcome to attend. Severe high-canopy fires due to the large number of partly-fallen trees is a concern and action is needed to address this serious situation."

Mr. Gagne added that Peter Bigelow, HRM Manager Real Property Planning, has been invited to attend and his group is looking forward to again work constructively with him and his staff.

When: Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Time: 7:00 p.m.-- Friends of Hemlock Ravine AGM,, immediately followed by 7:30 p.m. Public information meeting

Where: Ecole Grosvenor-Wentworth Park School Library, 4 Downing Street, Halifax


Councillor Debbie Hum
(902) 476-7212 (cell)

Rick Gagne - Acting president - Friends of Hemlock Ravine Park Society
(902) 457-7010 (w)
(902) 457-7093 (h)

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.