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Work to Begin on Hemlock Ravine Park Clean Up

(Friday, May 7, 2004)-With a tender now awarded by HRM, work will begin within days to clean up the hurricane damage in Hemlock Ravine Park. The job of clearing downed and damaged trees is expected to take six weeks to complete.

"Hemlock Ravine, closed since the hurricane, will remain closed until the clean up work is completed. Extra signs will be placed around the Park's exterior reminding residents that it is unsafe to enter until the clean up work is done, " said Peter Bigelow, Manager, Real Property Planning.

Assessments conducted for HRM by professional foresters indicate that 26% of the Park's 85 hectares suffered moderate or high damage in the hurricane. Heavy damage occurred primarily in softwood stands consisting of mature red spruce, white pine and eastern hemlock. These stands typically have in excess of 580 trees per hectare downed or damaged.

"Clean up efforts will be concentrated on the 21.4 hectares that suffered moderate or high damage. In addition, as an added safety measure, trees that are damaged, leaning or broken within 27 metres of each side of the Park's walking trails and pathways will also be cleaned up, adding 14.9 hectares to the area treated," Mr. Bigelow said.

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For further information, contact:

Peter Bigelow, Manager, Real Property Planning

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.