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Point Pleasant Park Re-Opens June 4

(Wednesday, May 12/2004)-- Point Pleasant Park will officially re-open to the public on June 4th, it was announced today.

Mayor Peter Kelly and Councillor Sue Uteck, in whose District the popular park is located, said the months of clean-up and restoration in the park as a result of the damage caused by Hurricane Juan last September is nearing completion. Crews have been working 18 hours a day, seven days a week since January to ready the park for visitors again.

"Members of Halifax Regional Council, along with thousands of other HRM residents, have been eagerly awaiting Point Pleasant Park to again be opened to the public. As one of our largest and certainly our most popular park, use of it has been sorely missed by its many regular users," said Mayor Kelly. "The damage to the park was severe, so it will not be the same park that we knew so well. Once the clean-up has been completed and the park operating as usual for a few months, we'll be asking the public for their thoughts and ideas about what kind of Point Pleasant Park they would like to see in the future."

Councillor Uteck said Councillors and HRM staff have learned a great deal about the public's appreciation of Point Pleasant Park as a result of two special weekend openings held last fall and in early spring.

"Point Pleasant Park is the jewel in the crown of our public parks system. I've received calls just about every day from residents wondering when the park will be re-opened. For many, their day is not complete without a walk in Point Pleasant Park," she said. "June 4th is the day the park will be re-opened. We are planning a brief ceremony to thank staff, contractors and those who have made donations to the park's restoration. I would like to personally thank a very patient public who gave us the time we needed to make Point Pleasant easily accessible and safe for the public once again."

When: Friday, June 4, 2004

Time: 9 a.m.

Where: At, or near, Upper Parking Lot, Tower Road. Details TBA later


Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

Councillor Sue Uteck
(902) 221-7651

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.