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Councillor Says Safety Paramount in Park Clean-Up

(Thursday, May 13/2004)-- School officials and parents in the areas around Hemlock Ravine Park have been advised to warn students not to short-cut through the park while Hurricane Juan clean-up operations, which begins today, are underway.

Councillor Debbie Hum (District 16-Prince's Lodge/Clayton Park West) says HRM has taken steps to ensure the park pathways are cordoned off with caution tape, additional "Park Closed" signage has been posted for the duration of the clean-up effort and notices have been distributed to homes abutting the park, etc.

"Although the park remains officially closed, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for the safety of residents that everyone stay out of the Hemlock Ravine area during this clean- up. This includes children who normally walk through the park to get to/from school, and the general public who enjoy the park for recreational purposes ," she said.

Councillor Hum says HRM is very aware that Hemlock Ravine is a much-appreciated and much-used park, but the municipality's objective is to have the clean-up work completed within the next six weeks so the park can be returned to normal use. She adds that HRM is very cognizant of the historical and environmental sensitivities of Hemlock Ravine Park, and is a prime consideration for HRM officials during the remediation effort.

The work in the remediation phase will involve a number of forestry practices and a variety of machinery and forestry personnel. Care is being taken to protect remaining stands of trees and encourage regeneration. The schedule of work calls for an extended day 6:30 am to 8:00 pm Monday through Saturday. Noise from this work in the park will be unavoidable; however, HRM is taking steps to minimize disturbance by limiting work near residences during evenings and early in the morning.

In an effort to reduce congestion and accommodate local residents, contractor crews and local traffic only will be permitted on Kent, Lodge and Downing Streets. Residents who require additional information about the clean-up are asked to contact HRM at 490-4700 during office hours, or the Corporate Call Centre at 490-4000 until 10 p.m. daily.

Councillor Hum says there will be a general information meeting on Wednesday, May 19th, at Grosvenor-Wentworth Park Elementary School library, 4 Downing Street, beginning at 7:30 pm HRM staff will be in attendance to discuss the scope of the work and respond to questions and concerns.

Councillor Debbie Hum
(902) 476-7212

John O'Brien
HRM Corporate Communications officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.