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HRM welcomes $17.5 million worth of infrastructure projects

(Halifax, NS, May 20/2004) - Residents of the Halifax Regional Municipality can look forward to some much-anticipated community improvements today as a result of six projects announced through the Canada-Nova Scotia Infrastructure Program.

These diverse projects are: the extension of the Prince's Lodge water and sewer system; the development of the Mainland Common Recreation Facility; the first phase of the Herring Cove water and sewer project; the development of the Harbour East artificial fields; the construction of the Moser River fire station; and upgrades to water services at Maplewood-on-the-Lakes Subdivision.

The projects were announced today by the governments of Canada and Nova Scotia, in partnership with the Halifax Regional Municipality and the Halifax Regional Water Commission.

"Nova Scotians want to live in safe, healthy communities that allow them to pursue a good quality of life," said the Honourable Geoff Regan, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and Minister Responsible for Nova Scotia. "The Canada-Nova Scotia Infrastructure Program is a way for the Government of Canada to invest in projects that improve community infrastructure and support long-term growth in both rural and urban centres right across the province."

Designed to invest in the infrastructure needs of Nova Scotia communities, the program supports long-term economic growth, community infrastructure improvements and environmental enhancements.

"We are keeping our word to the people of Nova Scotia to invest in the quality of life of our families," said the Honourable Barry Barnet, Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations. "These projects are priorities for the Nova Scotia government and I am very pleased that we can work with our federal and municipal partners to move them forward."

Ministers Regan and Barnet announced their joint federal-provincial investment of
$7.5 million today. The Halifax Regional Municipality and the Halifax Regional Water Commission will fund the balance of their respective projects upon final acceptance of their offers. The combined investment of the seven projects is $17.5 million dollars.

Halifax Regional Municipality Mayor Peter Kelly said, "Today's announcement further underlines HRM's commitment to further improving and enhancing our sewer and water services, improving public safety and meeting the growing demand for new community recreation facilities. HRM thanks the federal and provincial governments for recognizing these needs and providing cost-sharing on these projects."

To date, over $189 million has been invested in 124 projects through the program, and more announcements are expected as projects undergo environmental assessment and final approval.

The program is administered by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations. Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation is a member of the management committee. The Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities is represented on the program's management committee.

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For further information contact:

Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

John O'Brien
HRM Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

David Harrigan
Media Relations Officer
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
(902) 426-4238

Deborah Bayer
Canada-Nova Scotia Infrastructure Secretariat
(902) 424-0112


Canada-Nova Scotia Infrastructure Program

Approved Projects - May 20, 2004

Prince's Lodge Water and Sewer Extension
Halifax Regional Municipality
Shared total project cost: $1,080,000
($540,000 Federal; $540,000 Provincial)

The design and installation of municipal water and sewer systems for the Prince's Lodge area. A 1 km extension of services will replace aging on-site sewage disposal systems and individual wells for 56 households on Lodge Drive, Kent Avenue and Prince's Walk. In addition, the installation of central services will enable infilling in the area.

Moser River Fire Station
Halifax Regional Municipality
Shared total project cost: $416,666
($208,333 Federal; $208,333 Provincial)

The design and construction of a new fire station for Moser River will replace the current condemned facility. The new 2-bay station is necessary to maintain fire and emergency health response for the community, and will provide new Emergency Measures Organization reception and pandemic preparation. A larger station and state-of-the-art equipment will ensure an increase of fire protection for the community.

Mainland Common Recreation Facility
Halifax Regional Municipality
Shared total project cost: $2,000,000
($1,000,000 Federal; $1,000,000 Provincial)

The design and construction of Phase 1 of a new recreation facility in Clayton Park which will replace the outdated Northcliffe Recreation Facility. In addition to a 25m, 6 lane swimming pool, a leisure pool and tot's pool, the facility will include a fitness centre, sauna, indoor walking/jogging track and a community meeting space. Herring Cove Water & Sewer Phase 1A
Halifax Regional Municipality
Shared total project cost: $2,070,800
($1,035,400 Federal; $1,035,400Provincial)

The design and installation of Phase 1A of a water distribution and sewage collection system for Herring Cove. The water distribution portion will provide for the installation of approximately 3.3 km of water main to service approximately 120 households. It addresses the poor quality and quantity of existing individual wells, and will include meters and fire protection for all customers. Churchill Estates, a subdivision currently served by a well, will also be connected to the Halifax Regional Water Commission system. The sewage collection system portion of the project will provide for approximately 1 km of sewer to service 40 households, and will replace aging individual on-site sewage disposal systems that have malfunctioned due to poor soil conditions.

Harbour East Artificial Fields
Halifax Regional Municipality
Shared total project cost: $1,600,000
($800,000 Federal; $800,000 Provincial)

The design and construction of two artificial turf sports fields in the Spectacle Lake area of Burnside. The new sports fields (one for soccer, the other for football and/or soccer) will be constructed to regulation size and will use the latest technology in artificial turf. This project also includes the construction of bleachers, lighting and parking, and is part of HRM's Parks and Recreation business plan for the provision of sports fields.

Maplewood on the Lakes Subdivision Water Services, Phase 2
Halifax Regional Water Commission
Shared total project cost: $410,000
($205,000 Federal; $205,000 Provincial)

The second phase of a plan to bring municipal water services to a subdivision that currently relies on private wells, and whose 41 households currently experience water quality and quantity problems. This is the second phase of a multi-phase program designed to service the area. Phase 1 was approved under the Infrastructure Program in 2001.

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Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.