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Councillor Thankful for Herring Cove Project Funding

(Friday, May 21, 2004)--- District 18 Councillor Stephen Adams today expressed his thanks to federal Fisheries Minister Geoff Regan and Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations Minister Barry Barnet for their assistance in helping to secure Infrastructure Program funding for the Herring Cove sewer project.

It was announced yesterday that HRM will receive slightly more than $2 million towards the $3.1 million project under the Canada-Nova Scotia Infrastructure Program

"Without the personal attention given by the two Ministers to this project, we would not be in a position to move ahead at this time. The residents of Herring Cove have been waiting for central sewer in their community for many years, and the contributions from the two other levels of government now makes it more affordable for them," he said.

Councillor Adams said it was vital that the Herring Cove sewer project begin at this time, because HRM is moving ahead with the Harbour Solutions Project. The third sewage treatment plant will be located in Herring Cove.

"Since the residents of Herring Cove after hosting the new plant, it is only fitting that they have central sewer hook-ups. This funding is a very good start towards that end," he said.


Councillor Stephen Adams
(902) 487-8818

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.