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News Release

Changes to Open Air Burning By-Law #0-103

(Friday, May 21, 2004) - Effective Saturday, May 22, 2004, Halifax Regional Council made changes to the Open Air Burning By-law #O-103 which allows residents of HRM to burn brush from fallen trees as a result of any natural disaster, or similar conditions. This exemption may be granted at the discretion of the Chief Director, or his designate.

Effective Saturday, May 22, 2004 this exemption will be in effect with the following conditions: Permits will be required for burning under this exemption. All regulations of By-law 0-103 shall be adhered to. Burning shall only be conducted from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. as per the times set out in Section 13 of the By-law. The By-law may be viewed on the HRM website at:

Prior to contacting your local fire station, residents must ensure that they meet the minimum clearance specifications of at least 125 ft. to the nearest adjacent dwelling, 50' ft from their own dwelling, adjacent property lines or combustible materials (ie sheds, decks, fences). These clearances must be met in order to apply for a permit. Additional regulations under the bylaw will be reviewed with the resident when the permit is issued.

Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency has the right to limit the number of permits and all permits will require a site inspection by the local fire station prior to a permit being issued.

For more information, please visit your local fire station, contact the HRM Call Centre at 490-4000 for the phone number of the fire station in your area or visit our website at:


For Further Information contact:

Mike LeRue
Divisional Chief
Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency
(902) 490-5530

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.