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Public Service Announcement

Variety of Items Offered at HRM Auction

(Friday, May 28/2004)-- Bikes, computers, car stereos, desks, lawn mowers, power tools, chain saws, hand tools, tapes-- these are just a few of the many items being auctioned off tomorrow.

The public will have an opportunity to bid on these items which were declared surplus or were seized, recovered or left unclaimed during the past year at the Halifax Regional Municipality's annual auction this Saturday.

Terms of the auction are "cash" or as arranged with auctioneer. Food and refreshments will be available.

Date: Saturday, May 29, 2004

Time: Viewing at 8:30 am. Auction starts at 10:00 am

Place: Devonshire Arena, 3395 Devonshire Avenue, Halifax

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John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Peter Ross
Manager, Procurement Services
(902) 490-6499

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.