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Bike Week 2004

(Friday, May 28/ 2004)--- Next week is Bike Week in Halifax Regional Municipality.

Between May 30th and June 5th, residents of HRM are encouraged to ride their bikes to work, use them for errands or getting to school - just about anywhere they would normally drive their vehicles. Also, Metro Transit will be offering free ferry rides during Bike Week.

This year, Bike Week coincides with Environment Week and the Commuter Challenge. These are great ways to become more active.

Councillor Sheila Fougere, Chair of the HRM Bikeways Task Force, said today "Cycling is a great form of exercise and an inexpensive and environmentally-friendly alternative mode of transportation. It fits into many programs to improve overall health and promote active lifestyles."

Bike Week is being sponsored by TRAX (Transportation Halifax Project) of the Ecology Action Centre. A brochure of events planned is available at

Registration and a survey are also available at that site.

By participating in the annual Commuter Challenge, HRM is encouraging its employees to use public transit, to car pool with co-workers, to run, to cycle, to walk, or to roller blade, rather than using motor vehicles during the week of May 30 to June 5. It not only promotes an active, healthy lifestyle, but also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Councillor Sheila Fougere
(902) 452-3209

Roxane MacInnis, B.A.(Hons), M.Pl.
Transportation Demand Management Coordinator
HRM Traffic and Transportation Services
(902) 490-4160

Susanna Cheng
TRAXX Ecology Action Centre
(902) 429-0924

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.